How can you avoid wedding sensory overload for neurodivergent couples/partner

With some thought, couples can prepare and enjoy their wedding by breaking
the wedding up into 3 separate celebrations so that you can soak up all the festivities.
1. Elope, just an intimate ceremony with the 2 of you. The celebrant can even arrange
the witnesses, sign the legal documents then your elopement can be a honeymoon / getaway for a few days.
Organise the ceremony on day 2 of your getaway, to give yourself time to settle and
make sure everything is right for your day
2. Organise a family get-together a few months later.
3. Then when ready (even a couple of months later), host a small reception party for
people you would like to celebrate with.
This way you can enjoy each celebration and not be overloaded.

I didn't realise how much there
was to observe bring it on